Saturday, March 21, 2009

Marvelous Spring!

It's here!

It's that time!

Spring Colors!

I took these pictures yesterday to celebrate the 1st day of Spring AND just in case the rain/snow we may get on Monday ends up pummelling my delicate blooms. That seems like an annual tradition, doesn't it? Beautiful flower faces peek out then boom! That heavy spring snow plops right down on top of them. Either that or one of my boys accidently drops a ball on it. A couple of years ago I had planted crocuses and tulips at our house in MD. The N comes running in to tell me about our first purple crocus to bloom. When I went out a couple of minutes later, he and the crocus both looked crushed. He, very sorrowfully, told the tale of the crocus and the baseball, and the little boy who threw the baseball in the air...but didn't catch it. The marvel of nature is that next year, these dainty but tenacious flowers will be back again in spite of heavy spring snow and little boys. Pretty wise those flowers are.

Oh and the little boy? He does a bit better catching those baseballs now:

1 comment:

Sarah @ said...

What beautiful flowers! I think the colors in nature are almost the best part of spring =)

Obviously, a little boy learning to catch is better.