Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Where Will I Find The Time?

Apparently I know more than I thought. That phone interview that I thought went poorly led to an office interview, that led to another interview with a founder, which was really just a check that needed to be checked off, that led to an offer being made on the spot, which leads to me starting work on Monday. Yikes.

I'm exciting about it, very excited, but anxious, pretty anxious. It has been 10+ years since I've had a job where I had to go into an office, work all day, go home, sleep, then get up the next day and do it again, repeat, repeat, repeat,...

I tell myself that people do this all the time, and more importantly there are moms that do this all the time. Moms who work and do marathons and triatholons. I just haven't been one of them. Until now. So I'm busy this week trying to shuffle things around. I can't go into the kids' classes anymore so I've let that go. I'm trying to arrange one day a month that I can leave work a little early so I can get to the kids' school to run PTO Board meeting. It helps when the president is actually at the meetings. I've bought a reflective vest so I can run either early am or evenings, depending on how it works best for me. I've arranged for after school care for the kids until the R's classes end in December. Things are falling into place. I just hope that my mind can wrap itself around the work once I actually start. All of that work stuff is still in my brain. I just hope it can be accessed in a timely fashion when I need it!

The HR woman told me they were excited about me. Like kids in a candy store. I thought...uh oh! What are they expecting? The idea of being a disappointment worries me. Although...that probably motivates me to work hard and probably always has. Making me less likely to disappoint.

I've never held a real job while having kids. Our lives will be changing oh so much. We're going to have to work though it because given our family temperament it won't be easy and I'm not willing to compromise any more on the level of cleanliness we live in. I've already gone down to my limit! So my goal is to make it easy for them to make me happy. We'll see how that works out. We'll see how it all works out. I expect that in a few months we'll be settled on this new path. It just may be a little bit rockier than the trail we were on and we'll have to adjust our steps and watch out for those bigger rocks. In the long run, it will be good for us. All of us.


Rita said...

Oh yay! Congratulations, that is so awesome! I think it'll go well. Yeah, it'll be bumpy to start, but then things will fall into place. I worked until Alex was 4 (when Katie was born) and that was hard. But, with bigger kids, it's got to be easier.

My friend Julie works full time and runs in marathons every few months. She trains at the gym most of the time though, running on the treadmill. I can see the logic behind that, since your workouts aren't dependent upon weather, AND then you are in the same place you started, lol, whereas running for a couple hours out in the world would take you so very far and back again. Just a thought.

Plus with two incomes, it might help your sanity to look into a house cleaner to come in like every other week, and maybe grocery delivery (of course I would never do grocery delivery because I enjoy grocery shopping). Just so you can focus on the important things--family, work and yourself.

Sara said...

Congratulations, Melissa!

Me, You, or Ellie said...

Congrats. And if you find the time, let me know. I seem to have lost mine....
